Joshua Dale Crawford Aug. 26, 1989 - Apr. 21, 2010

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Spy

We play a lot of games in the car while we travel. Doesn’t matter if it’s two hours to Grandma and Grandpa’s house or 15 minutes to Target. We rarely get to listen to the radio as we’re always playing games. One of Austin’s favorites is the I Spy game. Austin’s turns starts like this: “I spy with my little eye something that is…..” And then of course we try to guess. Mom and Dad’s turn must start like this: “I spy with my big eye something that is…” Naturally we have big eyes as we’re big people.

Well, after Austin’s swollen eye problem and visit to the ER this past weekend he recently started the game with: “I spy with my swollen eye something that is…”

Again the patented “That’s our son and he’s a genius” look was exchanged (see previous post for history/derivation of this often used look).

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