I took both Austin and Lucas out into the deeper pool (up to 5 ft. deep) and both were actually pretty freaked out by that. They didn’t really like that one too much. We need to get those boys into some swimming lessons! They wouldn’t even let go of my neck long enough to pretend to swim. Guess that’s what happens when neither Mom or Dad are big into swimming.
After about an hour at Lagoon-A-Beach, we changed clothes and hit the kiddie rides. Austin knew only that he wanted to ride Puff the Dragon first, and second, and third, then maybe try some other rides. I took Lucas on Puff the first time, and he was all set to go….until it started moving that is. Then he was NOT happy. He wasn’t having any more of Puff the rest of the day, despite Austin’s repeated rides. Austin's in the 2nd car on the left below:
We eventually hit the Cars:
Bumper Cars:
Little Swings: Angie, Taylir, Austin w/ back to the camera
Boats: Austin & Taylir share a boat, Tylir behind
Helicopters: Austin & Tylir
And Airplanes: Austin with his back to camera again! w/ unknown boy
Many of them we rode several times.
Luke’s favorite was definitely the Merry-Go-Round, which he got to do twice. I took him the first time and did alright, but my vertigo didn’t allow me to do anything but stare at the ground in front of us for most of the ride. Angie took him on the 2nd go round.
All in all, we had a great day. We topped it off by hitting Rattlesnake Rapids:
Luke was not quite big enough yet to go on that with us, so we left him with Lisa while we all rode. I was so hot that I thoroughly enjoyed being the one to get hit with the waterfall at the end of the ride. I really needed it. We’re told that Lucas was watching for us and was excited to see us, but then when we went past, this was the face he made…
It was a great day, and is one of the things we make part of our yearly trip. Looking forward to it next year already!
That place looks like a lot of fun. I remember when I took L to Slidewaters in Chelan for the first time. She was all excited until she actually saw the slides so I spent the whole day at the kiddie pool with her. My sister took over for a bit so I could go down a couple of slides with her kids.
We have never taken the girls there. These pictures make me want to take them!!
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